Prospectus exemptions help companies to raise capital and offer investors more choice.
This presentation will examine the prospectus requirement as well as the exemptions available for small businesses to grow and expand in New Brunswick. Exemptions include the friends, family and business associates exemption, the private issuer exemption, the offering memorandum exemption, crowdfunding and the CEDC program.
Date and time: March 24 | 1 hour, from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
About the speaker:
Frank McBrearty is Senior Legal Counsel in the Securities Division of the New Brunswick Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB). Frank has been with FCNB since August 2020 and has been involved in various areas of securities regulation, including market regulation and policy development. Prior to joining FCNB, Frank worked with a mid-sized New Brunswick-based law firm.
Frank holds a BA from St. Thomas University, an LLM from the National University of Ireland, Galway and a JD from the Université de Moncton.
*This session is free for all Atlantic Canadian startups and small businesses.