En français : https://www.venninnovation.com/alimenter-la-croissance-des-entreprises-en-dmarrage-russir-du-premier-coup
The world is more competitive than ever, and while ideas are easy, taking something beyond idea to real growth can be much harder. This is a 2-day training and will take place virtually from 9am to 12:30pm on both March 8 and 9, 2022.
In this training, we will equip you to use data to help you make decisions, and orient yourself for growth.
- What do you need to understand to figure out where your business fits in the grand scheme? What actually matters for your technology startup?
- Once you’ve started to understand your place in the world, how do you gather information successfully, from primary and secondary sources?
- Once you have data inputs, how do you make sense of it? What are your next steps?
The course will be facilitated by Dr. Jonathan Calof and Perry Steckly, experts who have helped thousands of companies with their growth. All of the content will build on the previous day, so make sure you join us for all of it. Due to interactive nature of the training, this will be offered only as live training. Training will run from 9am Atlantic Standard Time - 1230pm Atlantic Standard Time each of the two days.
This training is supported by ACOA and is free of charge for Atlantic Canadian Startups. This is only open to Atlantic Canadian companies. This training will be delivered in English. Please note, by registering, you agree that the information you share may be shared with our partners.
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodemgrDIuHtSZrPzcj7shOnzTjGGnvVRX