Set to Scale

SET to SCALE - A SCaling up program

You have products and happy customers, a management team with defied roles, and are committed to growing your company

Whats next?

What are the step that you need to take to move your company forward and capitalize on the opportunities in front of you?

Based on the Scaling Up methodology, SET TO SCALE will help you understand and begin to implement the steps that you need to take to grow your business.

Over a six month period, a Certified Scaling Up Business Coach will work directly with your team on the Four Decisions you must get right in order to succeed:

  • People

  • Strategy

  • Execution, and 

  • Cash decisions.

  • A Certified Scaling Up Business Coach will help you successfully grow and scale your company, leveraging proven, trademarked Scaling Up tools and techniques. Your coach will help you install the methodology and disciplined habits into your company, enabling better strategic planning, faster learning, higher accountability and real results for your business.

Growth companies that apply and embrace the Scaling Up tools can expect to achieve 2x times more cash flow, 3x industry profitability, valuation increase relative to competition, more time for the right things and enjoying the climb to success! 

During the six-month program your company will be provided with (click the “+” to expand text):

+ A Two-Day Private Workshop (the Upload)

A Two-Day Private Scaling Up Workshop will be conducted with the leadership team. At this initial workshop, the coach will facilitate discussions with the entire team around strategy, planning, establish long-term, medium-term and short-term goals for the organization as well as each member of the leadership team, and building your One-Page Strategic Plan (OPSP). The initial Private Workshop will bring the leadership team through the core tools of the Four Decisions framework (People, Strategy, Execution and Cash) and will establish the first steps toward having the organization on the Scaling Up program.

+ The First Quarterly Planning Session

A Two-Day Quarterly Review & Planning Session will be held after the first full quarter on the Scaling Up process, following the Two-Day Private Workshop. The session is for the company’s leadership team and will be held approximately one quarter (3 months) after the Private Workshop. The session will include a review of the past quarter results, as well as prioritizing and planning a (successful) next quarter. At the end of the session, your One-Page Strategic Plans (OPSP) will be updated and ready to be implemented for the coming quarter. It will be up to the company to self-implement future quarterly planning sessions. There are typically four planning sessions during each fiscal year, one annual planning session, plus three quarterly sessions.

+ Follow-Up Executive Coaching Sessions

Over the course of the first six months, a series of one-hour executive coaching sessions will be scheduled once or twice a month for the leader of the organization. The purpose of the coaching sessions will be to update on progress, help coach the leader on the implementation of the Scaling Up program, and act as a sounding board for any other challenges or issues that may arise. To make the most use of this time, some preparation is advised. When possible, coaching sessions will be held online using Zoom.

+ Ad Hoc Phone Calls

As part of the Scaling Up Launch Program, ad hoc coaching and support is available (with advance notice) over the first quarter following the private workshop.

+ Material Access

All materials generated during meetings (including PDF copies of flip chart notes, etc.) will be accessible through a special shared DropBox account.

+ Leadership Assessments

Prior to the Private Workshop, the entire leadership team will complete an online assessment: - Leadership Vision Alignment Assessment. This assessment will map the views of the leadership team on the organization. It will uncover how people feel about the current situation, the future, the main priorities and the problems.

+ Scaling Up Books

As part of the program, each member of the leadership team will receive a copy of Scaling Up to use as a reference guide while self-implementing.

At the end of the six-month program, companies may choose to extend the engagement with their Certified Scaling Up Business Coach. Additional financial support will be available for qualified companies for the second six-month period.

+ Is this program for you?

This Scaling Up program may be right for your company if:

• Company is for-profit and headquartered in NB

• Company is innovation-based (product or service); has IP; or Company can communicate their technical/competitive advantage in the marketplace;

• Company currently has $2M in annual revenue with forecasts indicating that $3M to $5M+ is achievable within 12-18 months;

• Company senior leadership is actively supporting the participation in the program;

• Culture of management team is one of continuous learning;

• Company has demonstrated growth and traction in the marketplace as evidenced by: financials, milestones, investments, key dates for business (ownership, key hires, etc);

• Company is looking for market expansion and/or diversification.

+ What can you expect for outcomes if you invest for the long term?

SET TO SCALE is an entry point into the Scaling Up Program. Over the long-term (3-5 years), the Scaling Up Program creates a Culture of Accessibility and Purpose, including:

• An executive team that is continuously growing their knowledge, their competencies, and their experience to lead the organization more effectively.

• A One-Page Strategic Plan with strategy and executable actions that is updated quarterly.

• Team will be engaged with and participating in – and having fun with the process.

  • Daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly huddles/meetings.
  • Quarterly TOP priority and KPI management for the company and for every member of the leadership team.
  • Daily/weekly huddle process that keeps accountability and communication flowing, for every member of the leadership team.
  • A team with a progress plan for the organization, and an understanding of their role within that plan.
  • A deep understanding of the process and ability to continue it ‘on your own’ between quarters.
  • Predictability for your business, the ability to review the past and see the future much more accurately.
  • A culture that has a clear understanding of what it takes to ‘win’.
  • The team will better solve challenges on their own. Leaders will delegate naturally.
  • The process itself along with the team member creates accountability, and no longer rests solely on the shoulders of top management.

Growth companies that apply the Scaling Up tools for the long-term can expect to achieve the five following target outcomes:

  1. 2x or more cash flow
  2. 3x industry profitability
  3. Valuation increase relative to competition
  4. More time for the right things
  5. Enjoy the climb to success!

+ What will be introduced during the SET TO SCALE program?

The following outlines components of the complete Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits) Program. These components are launched and typically worked into the DNA of the company over a three to five- year period. In bold below, are the core tools that are expected to be introduced over the first six months, as part of this SET TO SCALE program.

The One-Page Plan.

  • SWOT. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • Core Values (3-6). How you define (and build) your culture.
  • Core Purpose. Why do you do what you do? What is your higher purpose?
  • Sandbox. Where can you be #1 or #2 in the market? Where can you dominate?
  • 1 Year Targets (Execution). Where will you be in 1 year?
  • Critical Number. What is your absolute #1 TOP priority for the next year?
  • 1 Year Actions/Priorities. What must you do to ensure alignment behind your TOP priority and targets for the next year?
  • Balancing Number. What must we ‘measure’ to ensure ‘healthy’ growth for the year?
  • Quarterly Targets (Execution). Where will you be in 90 days?
  • Critical Number. What is your absolute #1 TOP priority for the next 90 days?**- Quarterly Actions/Rocks. What must you do to ensure alignment behind your TOP priority and targets for the next 90 days?**
  • Balancing Number. What must we measure to ensure ‘healthy’ growth for the quarter?
  • Theme. How can you align everyone in the organization behind your TOP priority?
  • Individual Plans. Priorities for each member of the leadership team, complete with KPI’s, Rocks, Critical Numbers, etc.
  • Core Purpose Actions. Action steps to build and nurture your culture and purpose.
  • BHAG. Big Hairy Audacious Goal.
  • Profit per X. Identify the one primary number to focus the entire company.
  • KPI’s. The Key Performance Indicators that are key for the organization.
  • 3HAG Strategy. 3-Year Highly Achievable Goals – Your organic and perpetual 3- year strategic plan & roadmap that will ensure success and your path to your BHAG.
  • Attributions Framework. What are the key attributions that clients expect and how can you exploit differences vs your competition.
  • Brand Promise. What are the key (measurable) needs that you satisfy for the clients?

Additional programs we weave into the quarterly program within the Four Decisions:


  • Shared Learning / Book Reviews. “Start with smart executives, then keep them smart.”
  • Top Grading. Continuously assessing (and improving) the bench strength of employees.
  • Recruiting. Ways to improve the process of finding, hiring & keeping the best people.
  • Functional Accountability. Functional accountability & KPIs within the leadership team.
  • Process Accountability. Clarify the process accountability chart for the company.
  • Org Chart. Quarterly review of the accountability chart inside the organization.
  • Ownership Thinking. Ways to have your employees care like you do.
  • Stewardship Leaders. Leadership strategies for leaders to grow their teams.
  • Stratum Level Thinking. How to identify and nurture true leadership within a team.
  • L3 Leadership. Life strategies for managers to maximize their influence.
  • 4 Archetypes of Performing Employees. How to lead a team toward true results.
  • 5-Dysfunctions of a Team. Build the strength of your team – get 1 + 1 = 3.
  • The Truth About Employee Engagement. Overcoming job misery.
  • The Ideal Team Player. The three virtues to building the ideal team players.
  • Multipliers. Build leaders who multiply the strength of their teams, vs diminishing them.
  • Love or Loathe. Truly aligning functional accountability to the right leaders.


  • Cash Conversion. What can we do to generate more cash inside the organization?
  • Cash Flow Story. What the company’s cash flow story says about its financial health.
  • The Power of One. Where a 1% difference can have the biggest financial impact.
  • Company Value. Making strategic steps to maximize the value of the organization.


  • 7-Strata of Strategy. The core strategic plan behind the One-Page Plan.
  • Words You Own. What words do you want to own online?
  • The X-Factor. What will give you a 7-10x advantage over the competition?
  • Catalytic Mechanism. Mechanism to ensure quality delivery of product or service.
  • Core Competencies. Identifying the core competencies that make up the core strategy.
  • One Phrase Strategy. The ONE strategy that will propel long-term success


  • Start, Stop, Continue. What should you start doing, stop doing and keep doing?
  • Leadership Assessments. Scaling Up & Leadership Vision Alignment Assessments.
  • Meeting Rhythms/Structure. Key to execution is proper (customized) communication.
  • Assigned Accountability. P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow – assigned accountability.
  • Team & Client Feedback Process. How to measure and capture feedback.
  • Core Values ‘ALIVE’ Process. Nurturing your culture at all times.
  • Respond vs React. How can you communicate better, without always reacting.
  • Pre-Mortem Exercise. Effectively finds holes in any major initiative before launch time.
  • Sweet Spot. Leadership working more in high value and high skill activities.


In January 2018, The Learning Bar adopted Verne Harnish’s Scaling Up methodology, working with a senior Gazelle’s coach in our area. Using the established Scaling Up framework based on key decisions around people, strategy, execution and cash, our executive team has new processes to become disciplined in our thoughts and actions; we have honed our focus, and use this framework to guide our strategic planning with annual and quarterly priorities. We have experienced significant improvements in our leadership team’s alignment, communication, and accountability in the last two years which has helped us deal with challenges and opportunities, plus give us the tools to scale successfully. We are now cascading this framework to our managers and seeing excellent alignment across our organization. Because of Scaling Up and our coach, as a business we are in a much stronger position this year dealing with COVID than we would have been last year.
— Beth Fairbairn, VP & COO, The Learning Bar
We have been using the Scaling Up framework for a little over 2 years now. It has led to a paradigm change in our business - >2x revenue growth with 3 acquisitions and a doubling of staff. I would highly recommend it especially in tandem with using a coach to help implement.
— Pat Whalen, CEO Luminultra

Your Investment:

The regular price for this program is $25 000 + HST.  Through the support of ACOA, this six-month program focused on your business is available to selected companies at a rate of $5 500 + HST.

For those companies that would like to extend the SET TO SCALE program beyond six months, additional support of up to 50% of costs to a maximum contribution of $13 000 may be available.

Embrace the freedom of running your business instead of letting the business run you!

There is limited capacity for this program. Don’t miss this opportunity for your company. 

Applications are Now closed. If you would like to be notified when they re-open, please fill out the form below.

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